Results driven by science

R360 is centered around the use of the BehaviorTuner®, a proprietary, non-anonymous, 1-1 tuning instrument that produces the most actionable and non-judgmental behavioral data on the market.

Powered by 48 observable, actionable, positive behaviors, it originates from the research of a renowned M.I.T. behavioral scientist and organizational psychologist.

These behaviors are defined by 8 communication styles, which determine how you come across to others.

By understanding these communication styles you can supercharge your relationships, and significantly improve your interactions with others.


When you use the Describe Style, you tend to emphasize observable or documentable facts, rationality, and logic to make a point. You also disclose feelings you have about yourself, including acknowledging errors.


People who use the Prescribe Style set clear expectations, and leave little room for disappointment or misunderstandings. Furthermore, they use concise terms to focus on what you suggest, need, or expect from another person, or what they can expect from you.


When you use the Appreciate style, you praise by focusing specifically on what you liked, and also provide constructive criticism by focusing on what you found lacking. When it’s your turn to accept feedback you graciously acknowledge it, and apologize whenever you make mistakes.


Leaders who use the Inspire Style inspire hope in others to achieve things beyond what they thought was possible. They often focus on what they and their team can achieve together, that neither can do alone. They also use analogies or metaphors to paint a picture of what the future will bring, and speak from the heart about common values and dreams.


When you communicate with someone using the Attend Style, you are giving them your undivided attention—mentally, physically and emotionally. You listen to others without any pre-judgment or bias, and are fully open-minded when it comes to hearing what they have to say.


People who use the Ask Style aim to gain clarity from others about what they think, feel, and want. When they try to help others express their thoughts, they use open-ended and non-leading questions. They also ask others for suggestions in a non-judgmental way, and focus on opportunities for learning rather than blame.


When you communicate using the Understand Style, you strive to develop a deeper understanding of the other person’s ideas, feelings and concerns. You also make an effort to confirm that you have understood others correctly, and that what you’re hearing is what they are trying to say.


When you communicate using the Empathize Style, you sense that someone is having strong feelings and acknowledge them in a non-judgmental and caring manner. You also change your language depending on the person and situation.

Here’s what clients had to say about our tools

“This tool is one of the best I know to smoothly and fearlessly foster an open and positive feedback culture, that could certainly enhance the level of success and flourishment a person may have.”

Enrique E. LopezResearcher & Senior Consultant

“R360’s situational mentoring focused on the most important relationships inside an office, enhancing the dynamics among supervisors, between supervisors and employees, and elevated communication as the most important element in a relationship.”

James BallasU.S. Department of Defence

“I know from experience that BehavioralOS’s tools work very well for developing individual leaders, and for changing organisational culture.”

Jennifer McCoyOD Consultant, Melbourne, Australia


Take a step towards supercharging your relationships and communicating your way to success