The Future of Leadership Development
Unlike traditional 360s, the R360 helps leaders calibrate the key behaviors that build trust and relationships using a proprietary, non-anonymous tuning instrument. The process consists of coach-assisted engagements that are customized for each individual, helping users identify and instill the micro-behaviors critical for accelerating macro-organizational success.
This 1:1 feedback solution has been used by thousands of leaders around the globe, and produces the most actionable and non-judgmental behavioral data on the market.
Here’s what clients had to say about our tools
“I found the R360 course to be an excellent opportunity to refine my character by focusing on one respondent and taking that person’s input to heart. Sometimes, it is just one point that we need that makes a difference. This was true for me, as I learned that brevity in speaking and writing was a valued trait to the person who evaluated me.”
James LowenU.S. Department of Defense
“I have been able to successfully employ lessons from BehaviorTuner in my daily interactions. This has not only helped me achieve personal professional success, but allowed me to mentor others to higher accomplishment!”
Vance N. TeelAssociate Commissioner, SSA – International Programs
“I benefited greatly from working with BehavioralOS. In particular, BehaviorTuner helped me zero in on critical aspects of my relationships and get out of historical ruts and onto more productive and effective relational paths.”
Frank RothFormer Director of Planning and Budget Intermountain Region, USDA Forest Service